Der Pharma Chemica The primary mission of the Der Pharma Chemica is to become the premier source of high quality research from whole of the world. All authors not only receive fast and comprehensive peer-review but also the article promotion to researchers working in the same field. rss//rss/dpc-volume-8-issue-23-year-2016.xml Der Pharma Chemica Volume 8, Issue 23 Inhibition Activity of HMGCoA Reductase by Rice Brain Extract and Its Fractions as Anticholesterolemia In vitro Study Qomariah Hasanah, Hasim, Didah Nur Faridah, Dimas Andrianto Physical Evaluation of Antiaging and Antiacne Andaliman Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC Ethanolic Extract Peel Off Gel Mask Ismanelly Hanum , Lia Laila Preparation and Physicochemical Characterization of a Metal Based Traditional Medicine Suvarnarajvangeshwar by Modern Analytical Tools Nitin S Shinde, Shankar R Thopate, Sunil S Bhagat, Shrikumar V Mahamuni Possible Etiological Agents of Pneumonia in Egyptian Infants and Children William M Morcos, Ashraf Azmy, Mones M Abushady, Hisham W Moustafa, Amira Ahmed, Hala Atta Description of Seroma Production in Modified Radical Mastectomy with Skin Flaps Fixation Patients in H Adam Malik Hospital Medan Indonesia Muhammad Ridha, Suyatno, Emir T Pasaribu Utilization of MMT Clay and MMTChitosan for Platinol Drug Delivery Nadia H Elsayed, Marzough A Albalawi, Mohamed WS Inulin Improves Hepatosteatosis in Humans Mina Wassef Girgiss, Wassef Girgiss Nicola, Dawoud Fakhry Habib, Aly Mohamed Ezz El-Arab, Nadia A Mohamed, Eman Refaat Youness The Effect of Monosodium Glutamate msg on Brain Tissue Oxidation State True Cholinesterase and Possible Protection against Health Hazards Using Natural Spices Fawzi A El-Shobaki, Maha H Mahmoud, Abd EL-Rahman M Attia, Omnia G Refaat, Eman F El-Haggar Synthesis Characterization and Preliminary Antimicrobial Evaluation of New Derivatives of Ceftazidime Shakir M Alwan, Mohammed H Mohammed, Alaa A Alhassan Design Synthesis Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Some Substituted Dihydropyrimidinone Derivatives Beena KP, Rajasekaran A, Manna PK, Suresh R